Urgent Communication ON FEBRUARY 7, 2:00 AM NEW YORK TIME, 7:00 AM LONDON TIME, AND 10:00 AM MOSCOW TIME, www.robertamsterdam.com will publish a new statement direct from Mikhail Khodorkovsky himself in the Chita pretrial detention center, responding to the new charges applied to him by the Russian procuracy general. Also, tomorrow at midnight, this website will debut the public release of a major 70+ page White Paper entitled “ABUSE OF STATE AUTHORITY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: THE NEW POLITICALLY-DRIVEN CHARGES AGAINST MIKHAIL KHODORKOVSKY,” prepared by myself and my partner, Dean Peroff, with important contributions from the international defense team for Khodorkovsky. I believe many of you will find it a valuable source of facts far beyond the case itself, to illustrate the detail and character of the new Russian state and its unfortunate path toward energy imperialism, the “vertical of power,” and the instrumentalization of law for personal economic and political ends.