Energy Blast – Aug 12, 2010

May the bidding begin: the government has set a $603 million starting price for bidding on the Trebs and Titov oil fields, together with conditions tying 42% of the refining to Russia.  LUKoil, in spite of its strong US presence, has resumed gasoline sales to Iran in partnership with China’s Zhuhai Zhenrong.  A home-made bomb set off a few hundred meters from Gazprom’s headquarters ‘passed largely unnoticed‘ until it was claimed by rebels.  Rosneft is not happy about its $430 million payout under court order to Yukos Capital, and is ‘expecting to regain control over the disbursed funds‘.  TNK-BP is hoping that its gas-gathering Kyoto Protocol projects in the Orenburg region will seduce investors.  Eon is pressing the German government with its ‘profound concerns‘ over the future of the country’s nuclear stations.