Rosatom is emphasizing the fact that, although it led the project, over ten EU and Asia-Pacific countries have contributed to the construction of Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, and says that ‘criticism of Bushehr distracts from the real proliferation risks posed by Iran’s uranium enrichment program‘. The plant will be switched on today. India is apparently leasing a nuclear-powered submarine from Russia. Transneft, the oil pipeline monopoly, is responding Finance Ministry plans to abolish its exemption from property taxes by threatening to ‘colossally increase‘ transport tariffs. Safety measures will be stepped up at Russia’s nuclear facilities in the wake of a close call at the Sarov nuclear center during the wildfires. Germany’s E.On is reportedly the first of Gazprom’s clients to seek lower contract prices. The Economist looks at the arguments for and against wind power. A Texas mother is suing BP for $10 billion, saying that pollution from its Texas City refinery contributed to the death of her child.