France’s Total and Russian independent gas producer Novatek have concluded a $900 million project to develop a Siberian gas field. ‘The cooperation can expand even further‘, says Vladimir Putin. Gazprom has defended its performance in response to recent criticism about underselling: ‘we . . . don’t see any reason for panic and pessimism‘. The company hopes that the US will approve its plans to produce and export gas in Alaska. Prime Minister Putin has instructed that a plan be drawn up to improve Russia’s gas liquefying facilities. Russia has been granted an invitation to bid for a nuclear power plant in Egypt. Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko says that Kiev will pay its gas bill on time. Medvedev has said that Russia is ready to invest billions in the Nigerian energy sector. Gazprom has agreed to a natural-gas joint venture with the country which includes construction of a 360-kilometer pipeline. Apparently mass post-election protests will not affect the Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran, says Rosatom. China has bought Addax petroleum, in order to begin oil exploration in Iraq. Reuters reports on a $554 billion project called Desertec to bring African solar power to Europe.