Apparently no agreement was made on when gas supplies to Russia will resume at Medvedev’s meeting with Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov. Following Iranian complaints of exclusion from the Aktau meeting, Medvedev has acknowledged that all countries involved in Caspian issues should be invited to participate. The Guardian reports that Russia is planning on entering the British nuclear market: Atomenergoprom is apparently in talks with Siemens on supplying reactors to Britain. The Times looks at Greenland’s untapped energy reserves. Russian oil companies may form a consortium to enhance their development in Iraq. EON has suspended one coal project in Russia and ruled out further projects due the economic slowdown. Venezuela and a group of Russian companies will invest $20 billion in the Junin 6 block in the Orinoco Belt. President Hugo Chavez has said that the country plans to develop a nuclear energy program with Russia. Apparently the first crossing of two ships through the Northeast Passage has precipitated a flurry of claims on Arctic sea bed rights from Russia and Canada.