Whilst the company may despair over its prospects in the spill-blighted US, ‘in Russia […] BP’s fortunes are brighter than ever‘ as Arctic exploration beckons and Russia takes an interest in the asset sale, says the New York Times. TNK-BP would apparently like to purchase a 35% stake in the BP gas deposit in Vietnam. Bob Dudley will have to place a strong focus on safety as he takes the helm of a company known for its speedy exploration pace, says Bloomberg. Gazprom has announced it will build a new gas pipeline to China through its south Siberian Altai region, with construction beginning in 2011. Rosneft is apparently talking to the gas monopoly about the prospect of selling natural gas to China as well as oil. A US appeals court has thrown out a lawsuit accusing dozens of defendants of racketeering in order to seize assets in Russia’s oil industry, a ruling that could make it more difficult to target alleged foreign criminal conduct in U.S. courts. Jordan is reportedly close to making a deal with the US on nuclear cooperation. Lukoil chairman Valery Graife has said that the company will buy all its shares held by ConocoPhillips.