By Vaaredi
The highlight from news this week in Iran is the visit to New York for the United Nations General Assembly by President Mahmud Ahmadi Nejad to meet with Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon. According to the newspaper Ettelat, this is the sixth time Ahmadi Nejad has traveled to New York. The paper notes that during last year’s visit, hundreds of Iranians living in the U.S. and Canada protested the legitimacy of the 2009 Iranian elections, and at that time the President left the assembly because of opposition shown to him by attendees from 145 nations. “My detractors are entirely free, like all Iranians are free to carry on their lives as they see fit and to act as they desire,” the president said according to Ettelat. “There are no limitations on actions that are within the law, but must be recognized that all Iranians live according to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic.”
The Newspaper of the Islamic Republic recently reported on a press conference held by Ayat Allah Hashemi Rafsanjani. At the opening of the meeting the leader of the group stated that “Enemies of the Islamic Revolution employ as much negative propaganda as they can, but we can prevail over these people by working together in a unified way.” Rafsanjani also fielded questions in response to the cultural, security, and moral concerns the parliamentary reporters: “This matter needs deep discussion and proper follow through. Why is it that just when the Islamic Revolution is triumphant these matters are brought up?” The groups leader, speaking about the plans and methods of the enemies of Islam and of the Islamic Revolution said: “(The Islamic Republic) must fight to root out the protesters in the streets and prosecute them the the fullest extent of the law.”
Donya’ya Iqtasad (The World of Economics) reports on an announcement by the government that cash deposits would be made to bank accounts of needy citizens at the end of the month of Mehr, instead of at the beginning, as previously stated by a representative of the president.. The month of Mehr begins on September 23 this year. Recipients are in need of assistance because of the sanctions initiated by European countries and by the United States, which have increased inflation in Iran, the official source stated.
Ettelaat reports that Iranian Minister of Trade Dr. Mehdi Ghazanfari, while discussing Iranian imports and exports, said that ‘cutting back on imports is the best way for the Import Administration Department of the Ministry of Trade to function‘”. Dr. Ghazanfari added: “In many countries the best way to control imports is by regular review of what the country imports, and by placing a limit on unnecessary goods, while increasing the import of goods the country acturlly needs, such as medical and pharmaceutical products. He added that he will soon announce a list of products that meet the standards of quality that Iranians need“. Later he said: “The Ministry of Trade will release a directive to the ministry officials responsible for regulating foreign trade, and I will personally see that these officials carry out their duties correctly.“
Lastly, police are on the hunt for the killers of an attending physician at the University of Tehran Medical School. Hamshari Newspaper reported today that police are searching for two young men who killed Dr. ‘Ab al-Reza Sudbaksh and escaped on their motorcycle. According to the report, at 8:40 pm Tuesday evening September 21st, Dr. Sudbaksh was leaving his office on Keshavarz Boulvard, walking to his car to drive home, when two young men on a motorcycle shot him in the back. He was transferred to a hospital by ambulance but was pronounced dead later from loss of blood. Police reported that the two young men were observed near the doctor’s office waiting for him to emerge, and that they believed that Dr. Sudbaksh’s murder was a planned hit.
Photo Copyright: REUTERS/Chip East