RA recently blogged about the comparative constitutional opportunism displayed following the Beslan crisis and today’s financial crisis. Coincidentally, a new article by Ella Kesayeva in Novaya Gazeta digs deeper into the persisting mysteries, conspiracies and unanswered questions with regard to the investigation of the Beslan hostage atrocities. The translation is posted at La Russophobe.
The case papers on the Beslan terrorist outrage have data sheets on each identified terrorist. The “Criminal Record” column of these sheets has the entry “No criminal record pursuant to Article 24 Para 1 Part 1 RF Criminal Code” for each and every Beslan terrorist.
This means that criminal proceedings against these people were either deliberately not raised or stopped. All for the same reason: “absence of criminal activity”. In this way, criminals who should really have been in pre-trial detention or doing time were able without let or hindrance in August 2004 to put together an armed band and carry out the attack on the Beslan school. [See note 3].
How can this have been possible? The only explanation I can suggestis that the so-called Beslan terrorists were agents of our own specialforces – UBOP and FSB. That is the only conclusion one can draw fromwhat is known of their lives as detailed above.
Who knows the Answers?
In fact, all and any questions should be addressed Deputy Ministerof Internal Affairs General Mikhail Panov and former FSB DeputyDirector General Anisimov. Both these people played active parts in theanti-terrorist operation in Beslan as highly placed “consultants”. Bothwere responsible for organising agent networks in the Caucasus.Neither, despite the insistent demands of the complainants in theBeslan terrorist case, has been called to testify in court.