It seems that no matter what the situation, no matter how serious, the Nashi finds room for some crass ridicule. It’s not the first time – and one would think there is a better use for the state budget.
From RIA Novosti:
About 30 activists of the pro-Kremlin youth group Nashi (Ours) on Friday brought firewood for Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to the Kiev’s embassy in Moscow. (…)
The group said they intended to show Yushchenko that he should “stop using fuel received by illegal means to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of Russian and European people, and begin heating his home and presidential administration building with firewood.”
“Yushchenko has brought Ukrainians to a situation when they prepare to heat their houses with firewood,” a group leader, Maria Drokova, said in a speech outside the embassy.
Members of Russia’s ultranationalist LDPR party, led by the outspoken deputy speaker of parliament’s lower house, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, also held a rally in front of the Ukrainian Embassy on Friday.
The party’s slogans included “Stealing is a sin, Gazprom will punish you,” “Yushchenko has frozen relations, don’t freeze Europe!” and “Gas stealing earns a real beating!”