Here goes some of the initial coverage of the Kim Dotcom white paper in the New Zealand Herald:
Kim Dotcom has called for an investigation into the FBI case against Megaupload in a legal review which accuses Prime Minister John Key of being misled by the United States.
The “White Paper” released by Mr Dotcom last night also alleges the illegal spying by the GCSB went on for 10 days longer than the spy bureau has previously admitted.
The 39-page document written by his legal team aims to dissect the FBI investigation against him and three Megaupload colleagues arrested on criminal copyright charges last year. It is entitled “Megaupload, the Copyright Lobby, and the Future of Digital Rights: The United States versus You (and Kim Dotcom)”.
It calls for investigations by US Senate oversight committees, linking the motives for the prosecution to Hollywood studios’ political contributions and support for President Barack Obama.
The paper was released at midnight New Zealand time, coinciding with the visit to New Zealand of United States Attorney General Eric Holder, the head of the US Department of Justice under which the FBI exists. The office of NZ Attorney General Chris Finlayson, QC, confirmed the Megaupload case would be discussed with Mr Holder.
Dotcom’s White Paper stated the case against Megaupload was “propelled by the White House’s desire to mollify the motion picture industry in exchange for campaign contributions and political support”.
It said the Motion Picture Association of America’s membership were “some of the Democratic Party’s strongest political supporters and most generous campaign contributors”.
The paper linked Vice-President Joe Biden to fellow Democrat and former friend and Senator Chris Dodd, now head of the MPAA.
“Together they conceived and executed the attack on Megaupload,” it claimed.