Putin’s Political Secret? Body Slamming.

So what political advice could Vladimir Putin share with Barack Obama to tightly grip power for more than a decade?  Steve LeVine has some good suggestions.

Is it possible to translate the Putin magic to America? After all, if you pay attention to the polls, you are probably aware that President Barack Obama is in political trouble at the moment. For an answer, I shot emails around to select O&G readers with one question: How could Obama acquire a Putin-like image?

After the jump, the top 10 responses:

1.       Drive a GM Volt on a cross-country “I’m mad as hell” political barnstorming campaign.

2.       Body slam John Boehner.

3.       Release a rapsingle.

4.       Body slam TerryJones, everyone’s favorite Quran-burning preacher.

5.       PitchHawaii for the next Winter Olympics.

6.       Body slamHamid Karzai.

7.       Hatchet inhand, wearing dark glasses, put out a burning apartment house fire; hang bare-chestedfrom a helicopter, pull victims from the waters of a flood.

8.       Body slamMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

9.       EncourageRahm Emanuel to run for Chicago mayor, and replace him with Putin.

10.     Suggestswapping jobs with Joe Biden. Pause for effect. Then say, “Just kidding.”