By Citizen M | Published: June 28, 2011

TODAY: Medvedev praises Prokhorov; rights group says it receives threats; legislation could create break with European Court; union snubs All-Russia People’s Front as Mironov slams ‘rebranded’ United Russia; middle-class emigration; humans, meet aliens.
President Dmitry Medvedev is praising
Mikhail Prokhorov’s labour initiatives, put forward in his new role as leader of the Right Cause party, as ‘
quite revolutionary‘; the President is also backing Prokhorov’s call to
decentralize power in Russia. The Guardian has a
profile on the new party leader: Prokhorov is Russia’s third-richest man, is Kremlin-approved, and has major designs for reforming the workplace. Many anticipate that his ideas for labour reform could ‘
spell disaster for the Russian workforce‘. The Interregional Committee Against Torture, a rights group with bases in Chechnya and Nizhny Novgorod, says its activists are
coming under threat for their critique of law enforcement activities. New legislation is being introduced by the Federation Council which, if passed, could
avail Moscow of its obligation to the European Court of Human Rights and potentially lose Russia its Council of Europe membership.
The Russian Union of Architects is
the first public group to refuse the advances of Vladimir Putin’s All-Russia People’s Front, saying that its ‘
professional activity should be free of any political component‘. A Just Russia party leader Sergei Mironov has
slammed the front, calling it a simple ‘
rebranding‘ of the United Russia party. Senior intelligence official Colonel Alexander Poteyev has been
convicted of high treason and desertion and sentenced in absentia to 25 years in prison for betrayal last year of ten sleeper agents working in the United States. Solidarity leader Vladimir Kara-Murza writes in the WSJ today about the recent
failure to allow Parnas to register for the next elections.
PHOTO: Russian businessman and billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov. (Konstantin Zavrazhin/Getty Images)