I am reading a lot about the events in Iran this week, and I thought this piece by Charles Kurzman in Foreign Policy cut through the fog, reminding us of the cottage industry of punditry that clouds and rarely enhances our understanding of these important events. Out of all the rough draft predictions, I think we can safely say that we are witnessing something more significant than just “blowing off steam.” (Interestingly, I have also heard Echo Moskvy referred as a type of “pressure valve.” Maybe Iran and Russia should look into updating their social plumbing.)
But the biggest similarity between the current protests and the Islamic revolution is the population’s widespread confusion about what comes next.echo In a year from now, people will look back on this week and say that what happened was inevitable. Whatever happens, they will predict the outcome retroactively. Already, experts are providing rough drafts for these explanations, such as:
- In the months prior to the outburst, oil prices boomed and busted, along with theglobal economic downturn; the government still controlled billions of dollarsin reserves that it doled out to supporters through barely disguised giveaways.
- The Internet, cell phones, and satellite television have added new networkingcapabilities to the age-old rumor mill; access to these technologies is notuniversal in Iran, and is being shut down by the government.
- The ruling elite is too divided to repress the opposition effectively; the rulingelite is pulling together and cannot be toppled.
- Violentrepression will keep people from protesting much longer; violent repressionwill backfire and produce even more protesters.
- Concessionswill buy time for the regime while tempers cool; concessions will only whet theopposition’s appetite.
- Outrageand grievance is boiling over; this week’s protests are a safety valve blowingoff harmless steam.