Russia’s Human Rights Leaders Issue Statement on Alexanyan

What follows is a statement of support of former Yukos executive Vasily Alexanyan (Alexanian, Aleksanyan), who is being illegally denied urgent medical treatment in exchange for false testimony, signed by some of Russia’s most preeminent human rights and civil society figures, including Lev Ponomarev, Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Vladimir Bukovsky, and Garry Kasparov.


Demonstrators stand with posters to support Vasily Alexanian, a former executive at the Yukos oil firm, in central Moscow February 6, 2008. The poster on the right reads, ‘Free Vasily Alexanian’. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin (RUSSIA)

From The Other Russia:Stop the Savage Justice Against Vasily Aleksanyan!The inhumane torment of the YUKOS prisoners continues. Vasily Aleksanyan, who suffers from several severe diagnoses, is being condemned to a cruel death in a prison hospital. We don’t know what scenario the executioners have contrived: Do they want to conduct a speedy blitz-trial over a blind and dying man, to then use the verdict to set a judicial precedent in regard to the other victims of the YUKOS affair? Or do they want to ruin Russia’s reputation to such an extent, that it justifies its “Byzantine” self-isolation?! One thing is clear – in the eyes of the world, a monstrous and abominable lawlessness is taking place.We demand that the Russian authorities immediately implement the instructions made by the European Court for Human Rights, on the hospitalization of Aleksanyan into an in-patient clinic, specialized in the treatment of AIDS and its associated medical conditions, and in the creation of an independent medical commission.We demand an immediate investigation into Aleksanyan’s allegations that investigators extorted confessionary statements, blackmailing him for the opportunity to receive qualified medical treatment.We call on everyone who values rule of law and the honor of our country to speak out in defense of Vasily Aleksanyan.Lyudmila Alekseeva, chairperson of the Moscow Helsinki GroupVladimir Bukovsky, writer, human rights activistYevgeny Ikhlov, All-Russian Movement for Human RightsGarry Kasparov, leader, United Civil FrontYevgeny Kiselev, journalistSergei Kovalev, human rights activistAleksei Kondaurov, deputy of the State Duma IV assembly, major general of the KGB of the USSRYuliya Latynina, writerEduard Limonov, chairman of the Other Russia executive committeeBoris Nemtsov, politicianLev Ponomarev, All-Russian Movement for Human RightsMaxim Reznik, chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the Yabloko partyVladimir Ryzhkov, leader of the Republican party of RussiaAlexander Ryklin, journalistGeorgy Satarov, director of the Indem FoundationViktor Shenderovich, writerIlya Yashin, leader of the Yabloko youth wing