Couldn’t help but be amused by the eye-catching headline ‘Mikhail Prokhorov to the rescue!‘ and accompanying article in today’s WSJ, which seems to inscribe Prokhorov’s multi-million dollar investment in the Russian Biathlon Union within the ‘Cool Runnings’ narrative tradition beloved of Hollywood (ie: take a team when it’s down-and-out, turn it around, cue victorious air-punching montage.)
The New Jersey Nets are of course next to benefit from a Prokhorov makeover, abetted by what a New York Times blogger called his ‘undeniably cool’ public image. Whilst his advances in electric car production and suggestions that workers work harder receive scant media attention, Prokhorov’s carefully groomed public image features occasional exploits to rival Putin’s various bear/horse/ tiger/taming scenes for action man styling. With Russia’s dismal Vancouver outing a lingering memory for the Kremlin – could he be the man to turn the team around?