Here is an exclusive translation from Novaya Gazeta about the youth activist Oleg Kozlovsky. Below the article is a translation of a letter from Russia’s Ministry of Defense to Kozlovsky’s mother. Oleg Kozlovsky turns in documents on his discharge into the reserves to Izmailovsky military commissariat Moscow – Activist of the youth movement «Oborona» Oleg Kozlovsky, demobilized yesterday from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, today turned in documents on his discharge into the reserves to the Izmailovsky military commissariat. We will note that the coordinator of «Oborona» was demobilized practically right after the elections and the dispersal of the «Dissenters’ March» in Moscow. The decision on his mustering out was issued already on 29 January, but they reported to Kozlovsky about this only after the elections.
Today, having arrived at the Izmailovsky military commissariat, Kozlovsky told journalists the details of his «army adventures». He, in particular, told of the rapt attention they devoted to him in all the military units and the military hospital. In the words of Kozlovsky, they conducted discourse with him on numerous occasions on the theme of his possible running away from the unit or the hospital. The military brass were very afraid that he would commit an escape. In addition to this, in Oleg’s words, in the hospital a special person from the number of patients was planted to him, who kept a watch on him and, in the event of Kozlovsky’s sustained absence, reported about this to the superiors.Kozlovsky also added that he does not intend to wrap up his political activity. In his words, the event that took place with him has convinced him even more in the correctness of the active civic position chosen by him.In the nearest time, the coordinator of «Oborona» plans to file suit against the military commissar of the Izmailovsky military commissariat, on whose order Oleg had been unlawfully drafted into the army. Kozlovsky likewise intends to attain the dismissal of this commissar.We will remind, the 23-year-old Kozlovsky was detained on 20 December of the year 2007 by his house and dispatched to the Izmailovsky military commissariat. The medical commission decreed that he is fit for the undergoing of military service, after which Kozlovsky was conscripted into the army as a private and dispatched to a military unit outside Ryazan.The dispatch of Kozlovsky into the army was unlawful. First, the activist, could not be drafted as a private, inasmuch as he had already completed the military department during the time of study at MGU [Moscow State University] and is an officer in the reserve. Second, at the moment of the conscription he was receiving a second higher education at the daytime department of the Higher school of economics.Later it became known that the doctors of the Ryazan military hospital had found Kozlovsky to be restrictedly fit for military service. In such a manner, he was subject to conscription only in the event of the declaration of war and was supposed to have been mustered out.Anastasia Dergacheva«Novaya gazeta»The letter referenced in the article and above image:
To: M.E. KOZLOVSKAYAUl. Verkhnyaya Pervomayskayad. 6, korp. 3, kv. 127, g. Moscow, 105264From: MINISTRY OF DEFENSEOF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION(MINDEF OF RUSSIA)1 CENTRALMILITARY-MEDICALCOMMISSIONcity of Moscow, 105229,Gospitalnaya pl., 3«3» March 2008 No. K-10Esteemed Marina Eduardovna!Your application to the chairman of 1 Central military-medical commission of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation has been examined.I report that your son – Oleg Yurievich Kozlovsky on 28 February 2008 based on the results of a repeat examination and medical certification in 3 Central military clinical military hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky (certificate of disease No. 278) based on existing illnesses on the basis of articles 45-c, 66-c of column III of the schedule of diseases and TDTs (attachments to the Statute on military-medical expertise, confirmed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2003 No. 123) is found to be «V» – restrictedly fit for military service The conclusion of the MMC on the causal connection of his illnesses has been issued in the wording: “General illness”, inasmuch as all his illnesses had taken place prior to conscription for military service. The given conclusion of the MMC has been confirmed by 1 CMMC MoD RF on 29 February 2008 No. 2/558.In such a manner, your son in accordance with the legislation of the Russian federation in peacetime is subject to dismissal from military service by virtue of state of health.The certificate of disease of your son indicated above (2 copies) on 29.02.2008 was returned to 3 CMCMH named after A.A. Vishnevsky for directing to the commander of the military unit where he is undergoing military service.A copy of the given certificate of disease has been directed in accordance with item 127 of the Instruction on the order for conducing military-medical expertise in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, confirmed by order of the Minister of defense of the Russian Federation in 2003 No. 200, to 19 MMC of the Moscow military district for the organization of the study by the Military commissariat of the city of Moscow in conjunction with the organ of administration of health care of the city of Moscow of the reasons for the unfounded conscription for military service of your son.Chairman of the commissionmajor-general of the medical service,V. Kulikov