As the recent story of the use of the Soviet anthem celebrating Stalin and Lenin in Kurskaya station evinces, praising leaders via verse is a mainstay of state propaganda. So it is no surprise, really, that ‘Uncle Putin‘ is to be immortalized in verse in a new collection of poems entitled ‘Putinyata’. And what could be a more appropriate theme for children’s poetry than demographic decline?
Our Homeland of Russia
Uncle Putin steered.
”Be a country great, strong,” –
One day he did dream.Only, how without the little ones?
Among us they are very few!
Then he read a lot of books
And gave an order to the country:“Just one babe for every mom?!
That’s not much! It must be two!”
And now in our native land
Kiddies suddenly appeared.They are many…they are beautiful
Just like flowers, here and there.
Young children in Russia now
Have the name of PUTINYATA!