Today in Russian Business – Aug 24, 2010

Reuters is running a profile on Sergei Ivanov, the governor of the Bank of Russia.  Sberbank has bought a controlling stake in a joint venture between Deutsche Bank and Strabag, in hopes of ‘open[ing] new opportunities for the Russian real estate market‘.  Vladivostok’s rice and buckwheat prices have practically doubled this week due to Russia’s drought and China’s floods, with analysts still uncertain as to whether Russia will be able to plant its normal crop this season.  What are the potential effects of the drought on world food prices (video)?  ‘Of course, most countries are influenced in one way or another by the price of oil and the international cost of capital. But Russia is unique to the extent that it is reliant on both.‘  US company Sanderson Farms confirmed that it has resumed chicken exports to Russia – one of the first to do so since the January ban.  Duma member Ashot Yegiazaryan could face a criminal investigation following charges from fellow businessman Vitaly Smagin that he devised a scheme ‘to steal my stake in the Europark Shopping Center‘.  Organisers are expecting 1.5 million ‘petrolheads‘ to attend this week’s Moscow autoshow.