The Moscow Times analyzes the recent differences in opinion on the dollar. According to experts, the views of President Dmitry Medvedev and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin are apparently not as contrary as they may seem. Medvedev has again reiterated his hopes to see the introduction of a supranational currency. Senior economic aide Arkady Dvorkovich has said that a cautious approach should be favored in any talk of global currency changes. Dvorkovich has also said that Russia may put some of its currency reserves in bonds issued by Brazil, China and India. The BRIC summit will reportedly focus upon how the four nations can assert more influence over the IMF. Malev Hungarian airlines has announced it will spend $1 billion on 30 Sukhoi Superjets, the first passenger airplane that has been made in Russia since the fall of communism. Vladimir Putin has expressed disapproval regarding Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes on the foreign activities of US companies, on the basis that it will mean double taxation. A former executive at General Motors has been invited to become the head of indebted carmaker Gaz.