First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has announced that Russia has again raised its target for revenue from various state asset sales next year to 100 billion rubles ($3.5 billion), more than 10 times the original target. ‘The state will keep a so-called golden share in companies it considers important.‘ But the move will link in neatly with Dmitry Medvedev’s state-of-the-nation call to reorganize state corporations. It sounds as though Medvedev is looking to Singapore for ideas about technical innovation, remarking during his weekend visit that ‘the system of economic and technical education in your country is of great interest for us.‘ The media have been responding to Medvedev’s suggestion that Russia reduce its time zones to improve business relations. ‘If you were to conflate the time zones totally, then obviously you would have some people who would be spending much of their day in darkness.‘ Read a New York Times piece about Russia’s efforts ‘alternately to woo and to strong-arm Renault‘ into helping to pay for a rescue of Lada.