Even though many observers think that United Russia’s poor performance in the elections was arranged on purpose, here Miriam Elder proposes we consider the news at face value: that Vladimir Putin, though personally still popular, may be getting into a little trouble with the public’s exhaustion with the party.
“Society is tired of United Russia, tired of its dominance, and tired of the dictatorship of bureaucracy,” said Alexander Kynev, a political analyst.
The public mood has perceptively shifted. (…)
United Russia has been visibly shaken by the increasing discontent. It has launched a loud campaign to lower utilities prices, and scrambled into action to prevent another protest in Kaliningrad.
“They don’t understand how to behave or what to do,” said Kynev, the political analyst. “They’re in hysterics, and lying like madmen.”
“They’re trying to say all is well, but it’s clearly not. Numbers are numbers.”