Over the past month I have been deeply engaged in conversations surrounding the book Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen, authored by the brilliant Peter Alexander Meyers, a political theorist and professor at the Sorbonne in Paris as well as a place known as Princeton University in the United States.
I cannot overstate the debt of gratitude I owe to Meyers for this brilliant work, and later this week I plan to publish a review as well as post some video interviews and discussions from a meeting we had with him earlier this month. If I may ask one, small favor of my regular readers: PLEASE PICK UP A COPY OF THIS BOOK! Not only will you find the review and ensuing discussion much more interesting, I am optimistic you’ll see the clear implications of his original ideas and arguments far beyond the context in which he presents them. While you wait for the book to arrive or until you run out to the store, you can become a fan of the book at his Facebook page.
Lest my enthusiasm seem suspiciously generous, I will note here that I don’t receive a penny from anyone for plugging this book, but rather I am a volunteered evangelist of its ideas. Meyers book is the first in a three part series entitled Democracy in America after 9/11, and explores some of the changes experienced in the ideas and practice of American citizenship in the George W. Bush era age of terror. The author gives a harsh appraisal of the ways in which people have surrendered rights and responsibilities in the name of war, further drawing distinctions between the linguistic details of how these seemingly inexorable political events can be separated between actual warfighting and something we must recognize as civic war – which brings forward the threat of monocracy in America, the dominance of just one power.
See any parallels with Russia yet? I certainly do, and look forward to discussing some of Meyers’ insights in the comparative context a bit later this week. Buy the book, stay tuned, and have a good evening/morning.