A note from the editor: After about two and half years, more than 3,000 blog posts, and a respectably growing readership, the Robert Amsterdam blog has undergone a design makeover.
Among the new features, readers will notice the horizontal tabs at the top of the page, which will allow you to find certain content faster. Other important changes include a streamlined search function, the feedburner sign up list (which we hope you will take a moment to sign up for to receive occasional special news items and announcement), and, most importantly, we have finally fixed our comments section so that it is open to any and all visitors – not just TypeKey members. Hopefully the new design will allow for a much more dynamic experience for our readers.
As may be expected, implementing a new design like this is going to require some getting used to, while we work on ironing out all the kinks and fixing programming and layout bugs here and there. Don’t hesitate to drop me or Bob a note if you have any thoughts or suggestions.
We plan to continue with our focus on Russian politics, foreign relations, and energy, but also hope to begin to incorporate more coverage of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, among other topics and countries of interest. Thanks much for reading!