This bit comes from the BIAC Newsletter, June 2008:
From a survey conducted in early 2008 following the release of the roadmaps for OECD accession country candidates, BIAC member organisations identified various aspects of the Russian business environment as major concerns that the OECD should include in its accession talks with Russian government officials. Recognising that these negotiations may take several years, BIAC initiated and organised a consultation with OECD Deputy-Secretary General in charge of accession issues, Ms. Thelma Askey, and several senior OECD staff members, in order to build towards a strong business dialogue with the OECD throughout this process. Led by Ms. Brenda Horrigan, from Salans, and Chair of the BIAC’sTask Force on Russia, and by Mr. Gary Campkin, from CBI, and Co-Chair of the BIAC MNE Committee, BIAC highlighted the overarching concerns about the Russian business environment, including: the weaknesses in the rule of law and lack oftransparency; burdening bureaucracy and extensive corruption; as well as limitations for investment in so-called “strategic sectors”.