Reuters is reporting that the clever minds over at the Nashi are whipping up a ultra-nationalist beauty pageant:
The winner of a new Russian beauty contest must be attractive, talented and witty.
But never mind wanting to help children. She should also symbolize Russia’s constitution.
Russia’s main pro-government youth group, Nashi, is to stage the “Miss Constitution 2008” contest as the Kremlin is pushing for changes to the constitution that critics say aims to let Prime Minister Vladimir Putin become president again.
“This constitution is a state brand and today we want to choose a girl worthy of its image,” a Nashi spokeswoman.
The Constitution, eh? That same document that has been repeatedly violated, altered, augmented, and amended beyond recognition in recent years? I wonder what kind of woman would fit the bill for that prize?
Artwork from the cover of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel “Invisible Monsters“