Who Can Trust John Key?

In the past few days, we have heard further revelations regarding the illegal activities of New Zealand’s spying agency, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB). According to reports by journalists Nicky Hager and Ryan Gallagher, of the New Zealand Herald and The Intercept respectively, the GCSB has again engaged in surveillance that transcends its mandate, […]


This new paper addresses the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and its impact on New Zealand ahead of a critical election.

Kim Dotcom, Glenn Greenwald, and Robert Amsterdam

The flyer for the upcoming event in New Zealand on 15 September featuring Kim Dotcom, Glenn Greenwald, and Robert Amsterdam:

MPAA Hopes to Shatter Copyright Law with Megaupload Lawsuit

Blogging over at TechDirt, Mike Masnick gets right down to the point of the MPAA’s latest lawsuit against Megaupload – the company which they already destroyed via a bogus criminal case from the Department of Justice. The lawsuit, which attacks the basis of numerous perfectly reasonable activities for tons of cloud computing companies, may have […]

DOJ Continues to Obstruct Access to Megaupload Data

Interesting post over on Tech Dirt about the case against Kim Dotcom’s former company, Megaupload. The U.S. Department of Justice continues to have no answer for the millions of users whose data was seized on Megaupload’s Virginia servers. This conduct of course raises many questions about the motivations behind the government’s case, and who exactly […]

John Key’s Dirty War Against Kim Dotcom

Why would the Prime Minister of New Zealand develop a relationship with a hate-speech prone blogger? Inside the ugly defamation campaign against Kim Dotcom.

Property Released to Kim Dotcom Is Just the Beginning, says Amsterdam

“The issue of illegally seized data once again brings to light the millions of Megaupload customers whose property was stolen by a viciously unaccountable government beholden to their campaign donors in the Hollywood lobby. Now that they have granted Mr. Dotcom access to the data, it’s time to return the property to users as they are entitled to under law.”

The Kim Dotcom / Megaupload White Paper

Today we are proud to announce the launch of the White Paper “Megaupload, the Copyright Lobby, and the Future of Digital Rights: The United States vs. You (and Kim Dotcom).

Who’s Afraid of Kim Dotcom?

But you don’t have to like Kim’s style – you may hold any opinion you wish – but what’s important is that his rights have been arbitrarily and selectively violated.

Kim Dotcom and the Redefinition of American Corruption

With this attempt to “colonize” the global internet under U.S. laws, Washington is quickly making a bad name for itself, and putting its considerable influence on the wrong side of digital rights, free markets, and competitive innovation.