On Saturday, the Associated Press on the crackdown by riot police of an anti-government rally held in Nizhny Novgorod. The protest, organized by Other Russia among other groups, was denied a permit by the authorities to hold the proceedings in the central square. The Kremlin also went to extraordinary lengths to prevent this public show of disapproval – for example, Marina Litvinovich, an aide to Garry Kasparov, was arrested twice and released on her way to the rally for the invented charge of driving a stolen car. Other protest leaders were arrested under terrorism charges for allegedly distributing pamphlets describing “how to make bomb.” When the multitudinous rally convened, a large squad riot police were dispatched, violence erupted, and hundreds were arrested, according to news reports. Among the arrested were photographers from the AP, Reuters, and the New York Times. State-controlled news television gave no coverage to the story. Below are some images and news clips describing the action on the scene. A video news clip of the crackdown can be watched here.