The wonderful Andy Young at Siberian Light does something that nobody else can really do – sail a straight line right across the vast and often bitter ideological divide in the blogosphere (do we still use that word?). Over the years he has accumulated quite a few interviews with key Russia bloggers, whether you love them or hate them. He even did one with La Russophobe, whose ideas must have seemed outrageous enough for the audience that Andy was prompted to write an explanation note.
To keep some level of karmic balance to the universe, today SL has posted a new interview with the young Anatoly Karlin, who blogs under the title Sublime Oblivion. Karlin is a proudly self-described Russophile (a title which I think shouldn’t necessarily also mean Putin supporter), whose perspectives often conflict sharply with what we write over here, but that doesn’t mean that it is boring to read. Sometimes it’s fun to get wrapped up into the tiny world of fierce politics and deep grudges of the online conversation about Russia … there must be like only 20-30 people who actually pay this close attention to these exchanges.
Anyways, over to Andy & Anatoly. Drop them your thoughts, criticism, congratulations, scorn, etc. With such controversial subject matter, I am wondering when the comments section will heat up.