Departures Podcast with Juan Méndez

From 1976-1983, a brutal military dictatorship disappeared some 30,000 citizens and arrested and tortured scores more in Argentina. As a young lawyer at the time known for representing dissidents and political prisoners, Juan Méndez himself was arrested and subjected to torture. The story of his career, rising to become the Special Rapporteur on Torture to […]

Departures Podcast with Jun Yoo

Korea is a deeply unique, complex, and interesting place in the world. Upended by repeated waves of war and occupation throughout its history, the modern nation has propulsively launched itself in the stratosphere culturally and economically and grown perhaps faster than any other. This presents undeniable benefits and prosperity, but also a number of accompanying […]

Departures Podcast with Susan Berfield

We often defer to superlatives when describing our current political age, but the truth is that in many respects, we have been here before. In the summer of 1901, the tycoon JP Morgan was assembling a merger that would give him a monopoly position over America’s railroads. His strong supporter in the White House, President […]

Departures Podcast with Mike Masnick

For more than 20 years, Mike Masnick has been writing prolifically on the intersection of technology, freedom of speech, IP law, and politics at the award-winning blog Techdirt, helping to elevate awareness of how these crucial issues are impacting society. Joining the podcast with Robert Amsterdam today, Masnick discusses the recent drama around the Trump […]

Departures Podcast with Noah Feldman

Only a few years after the Arab Spring failed to convert Middle Eastern dictatorships into democracies (with the exception of Tunisia), many scholars and analysts stopped talking about it entirely, as if to pretend these events never took place. Harvard law professor and constitutional scholar Noah Feldman set out to change that with his latest […]

Departures Interview with Kurt Andersen

Kurt Andersen discusses Trump’s hospitalization, his new book, and why America needs to prepare to change in order to survive.

Departures Podcast with Dan Alexander

Like no other president before him, Donald Trump and his inner circle have sought to monetize the White House – but has it been a good business? Dan Alexander, a journalist at Forbes and the author of the new book, “White House Inc.: How Donald Trump Turned the Presidency Into a Business,” joins the podcast […]

Departures Podcast with Ian Buruma

00:00:00 FDR and Churchill. Kennedy and Macmillan. Reagan and Thatcher. Bush and Blair. Trump and Johnson. The so-called “special relationship” enjoyed between the United States and the United Kingdom in the past 75 years since the end of World War II, often guided by the personalities of the respective individual leaders, has come to define […]

Departures Podcast with Andrei Soldatov

assassinations of prominent dissidents, including the nuclear poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in London, Sergei Skripal in Salisburg, the most recent poisoning of Alexei Navalny presumably in Siberia followed by his recovery in Germany, have come to shape global perceptions of Russia – perhaps based in fear, but also characterized by instability. Andrei Soldatov, one of […]

Departures Podcast with Barry Buzan

For many years now, China and Japan have not enjoyed very good relations. In fact, highly volatile and emotional issues of territory, history, and identity have escalated dangerously. But are these historical issues largely a political construction, and do in fact the two nations have more in common in terms of interests and history than […]